Pembrokeshire is known throughout the UK for its lovely scenery. And if you like to go by car or tent, this is a great area. Staying in a tent or a caravan allows you to travel to your Pembrokeshire destination at your own pace and bring your accommodation. It also allows you to have many of the facilities you are used to having at home available during your stay, but of course, not all.
When preparing for a camping holiday or travelling to Wales in your caravan. Thinking about what you will eat and how you will prepare it is important. Even if you plan to eat out at some of the great pubs and restaurants in the area most of the time. You will still probably want to be able to make simple breakfasts and other meals at your campsite. A few helpful hints are below. What to Eat on Your Caravan or Camping Holiday in Pembrokeshire
What To Eat On Your Caravan:

The cooking amenities in caravans vary wildly. With many new caravans you can find quite easily for sale through Gumtree or eBay. You have fairly well-equipped kitchens with good gas hobs to cook on. In older, more basic caravans, you may have just a single ring, or if you are camping in a tent, you may only have the camping stove. Often, it is best to think about meals you can cook in one pan to easily prepare something without worrying about using multiple heat sources.
Disposable Barbecues:

One-use disposable barbecues can be a great idea for camping. As you can cook outdoors and don’t need to worry about what you have available in terms of equipment. Check, though, that using these is permitted where you are staying. The only trouble with this approach is that you can only use the barbecue once, so if you are on a long trip. You will need additional recipes and plans for other meals. Also, if it rains, you won’t be able to use this to prepare food inside your tent or caravan.
Cold Foods:

You may have a fridge in your caravan, which can make storing cold food and beverages safe and easy. But if you are without one, keeping meat fresh and things like salads cold and crisp can be difficult. A good ice box is a must in this kind of situation. If you have food, you need to keep cool but be very careful where raw meat is concerned – even in a cooler. Things can get a bit risky if you leave it too long.
It is better to use the cooler for cooked food you want to eat cold and for fruit, vegetables and beverages. While it may seem like a good idea to pretty much live off of cold foods while you are camping, especially in summer. You may find that you begin to crave something warm, so it is good to have a means of heating things. Even if it is just a way to make tea or heat soup, in your camping kit.
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